Plenary Speakers

Here you can find a brief biosketch of the confirmed Plenary Speakers

Roberto Bartolino, Professor Emeritus of Applied Physics at University of Calabria, Italy

Prof. Roberto Bartolino obtained the degree in Physics at Rome La Sapienza, 1971; Ph.D. Université de Paris Sud Centre d'Orsay, 1981; Adjunct professor at University of Calabria since 1980; Full professor of applied physics 1987; Founder and coordinator of different interdisciplinary doctorates 1987-2005, then since 2006 of an interdisciplinary doctoral school; Invited professor at the Université Paris Sud Orsay and CNRS 1989-1990, at the College de France and Université Pierre et Marie Curie 1993-94, at Universitate Bucuresti, 2004. Laurea honoris causa Cofounder on behalf of INFM of science and tech.park Calpark, 1992; Director of physics department at Unical, 1992-1993, and Dean of the Faculty of Science, Unical, 1996-2004. INFM soft matter section coordinator, 1995-1997 Coordinator of 3 European networks on LCs and applications, 1996-2002. Founder of the regional laboratory of national interest LiCryl of INFM, 1999. Founder of the institute LICRYL of CNR (already INFM) merged into the NANOTEC institute of CNR as CS. 2005. Co-author in 2008 with C. Rizzuto (Esfri president) and M. Ghedini of project proposal of a Neutron and X-Rays facility (CROCUS, then named Pitagora), launched in 2011 as STAR, X-rays TBS facility by prof. E. Puppin (CNISM president) and M. Ghedini (Unical).  Co-author with M. Inguscio (CNR president) G. Gigli (director of Nanotec) and M. Giocondo (CNR-Licryl) of the Beyond-nano facility project, 2011. Three years on leave to Accademia dei Lincei, for interdisciplinary research projects (physics and medicine and physics and cultural Heritage 2013-2017 2011-2014). VQR evaluation coordinator of the area of applied physics. Retired, 2018 well-deserving of the Italian Society of Physics, 2019 Emeritus of Applied Physics at University of Calabria, 2021.

Francesco Simoni, Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona, Italy

Francesco Simoni is Associate Researcher at Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems-CNR and retired Full Professor of Physics at Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona, Italy.
His scientific activity spans from nonlinear optics of liquid crystals and photosensitive polymeric materials to holographic technologies, optical micromanipulation, organic microlasers, optofluidics. He is author of more 200 articles in international journals and books and 5 patents; he is single author of a book on the nonlinear optical properties of liquid crystalline materials and a textbook on matter physics. He is Fellow of the OPTICA (formerly Optical Society of America).

Epifanio Virga, University of Pavia, Italy

Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Pavia, Italy, his scientific interests lie primarily in mathematical modelling of soft matter.

Nelson Tabiryan, CEO of the Beam Engineering for Advanced Measurements Corporation (BEAM Co.)

Co-founded with Dr. Boris Zeldovich in 1996, the company pioneered and is leading the development of the Fourth Generation Optics technology having demonstrated the first 4G planar lenses and other breakthrough optics and photonics components and devices. He received Ph.D. and D. Sc. degrees in Physics and Mathematics from top academic institutions in the USSR. Dr. Tabiryan is OSA Fellow, NIAC Fellow, recipient of the Frederiks Medal, and the American Chemical Society’s Cooperative Research Award (with T.J. Bunning and T.J. White); chairman/co-chairman, program committee member, keynote, plenary and invited speaker in numerous conferences with over 300 published papers and 50 issued patents. He is the chairman of the upcoming international conference on Photoalignment and Photopatterning of Soft Matter (PhoSM-2023).

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