Conference Awards
"Daniela Pucci" Prize
The "Daniela Pucci" Prize is addressed to a female researcher who has made significant contributions on Liquid Crystals field, fostering innovative solutions in science and technology. A panel will select the best oral presentation. The winner will be awarded publicly during the last day of the conference and will receive a certificate and a symbolic reward.
The "Daniela Pucci" Prize was awarded to Prof. Lisa Reber from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany
The "Daniela Pucci" Prize was awarded to Prof. Lisa Reber from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany

"Lev Blinov" Young Researcher Award

The "Lev Blinov" Young Researcher Award is to recognize a discovery or singular outstanding achievement by an early career scholar in Liquid Crystals field. A panel will select the best oral presentation. The winner will be awarded publicly during the last conference day and will receive a certificate and a symbolic reward.
The "Lev Blinov" Young Researcher Award was awarded to Mr. Marcell Tibor Máthé, from Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary
The "Lev Blinov" Young Researcher Award was awarded to Mr. Marcell Tibor Máthé, from Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary
"Pierre-Gilles de Gennes" Best Poster Award
The "Pierre-Gilles de Gennes" Best Poster Award recognizes a student who presents an outstanding work that contributes to significative advancements in the Liquid Crystals field. A panel will select the best poster. The winner will be recognized publicly during the last conference day and will receive a certificate and a symbolic reward.
The "Pierre-Gilles de Gennes" Best Poster Award was awarded with equal merit to Dr. Jun-Yong Lee, from Department of Physics, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, and to Dr. Diana Nikolova, from School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, UK
The "Pierre-Gilles de Gennes" Best Poster Award was awarded with equal merit to Dr. Jun-Yong Lee, from Department of Physics, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, and to Dr. Diana Nikolova, from School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, UK